Rejection can be blindsiding — but don’t let it derail your job search. Finding the resilience to move forward is the key to a successful transition. Here’s how to stay strong in the face of rejection:

Take time to heal.
This may sound overly dramatic, but rejection can take a serious toll on your self-confidence and security. Allow yourself time to process the news before you get back in the game. If you don’t take the necessary time to heal, you’ll run out of steam. Cut yourself some slack!

Don’t make the same mistakes over and over again. Use this opportunity to reflect on your process — are there things you wish you had done differently? Think about what went well and what didn’t and consider ways to improve in the future. Seek out feedback when possible. Note these reflections and keep them in mind as you move forward. If you feel as though you did your best and the opportunity still didn’t pan out, that’s okay, too.

Don’t take it personally.
Negativity breeds self-destructive thoughts. While you may be tempted to chalk the rejection up to your own character flaws or undesirable qualities, employment rejection usually isn’t about you. The decision was likely based on a rational business reason — it isn’t you, it’s them. It isn’t productive to beat yourself up over things that are out of your control.

Get back in the game.
After allowing yourself some time to process and heal, get back at it. Consider what you found so desirable about this particular job and use that to search for similar opportunities. If your experience interviewing at a company piqued your interest in that particular industry, work with that. Use LinkedIn to connect with an interviewer that you hit it off with. Seek out professional development opportunities that will expose you to people and opportunities in that industry.

While rejection stings, it is important to keep a positive attitude. You never know when the right opportunity will present itself!

Contact Denise Schwartz or Eynav Epstein at EpsteinSchwartz Legal Search to learn more, to discuss the legal market or to hear about current opportunities.

EpsteinSchwartz Legal Search is a Chicago-based boutique legal recruiting firm. EpsteinSchwartz does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, sexual orientation or any other protected characteristic. All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential.